Fulana Foods


Client: Fulana Foods

Services: Visual Identity, packaging and collateral

Year: 2020


Fulana Foods is a natural foods company that provides healthier, better-tasting alternatives using superfoods with vibrant, exotic flavors. 

Arcal worked closely with Fulana Foods to develop its visual identity and packaging. Our challenge was to create a visual identity that would tell the story that healthy doesn’t have to be boring. We set out to functionally and emotionally change people’s relationship with nutrition and created a bold and sophisticated brand that appeals to the new generations.

Arcal designed a series of packaging that capture attention on the shelve with its approachable visual language driven by originality and livened by an inviting color palette. The design system consists of an iconic colorful pattern inspired by the organic shapes of its ingredients and a black block with the logo and the description of the product, that captures the eye and helps differentiate between the brand’s variants.

The result is an expressive brand poised to be a beloved choice for consumers. It counteracts the boring cues of the category and celebrates the greatness and deliciousness of Fulana Foods' products.
